Drought in physics games genre

Posted on: November 18, 2009
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Hey physicsgamers,

6 days without a physics game – thats boring. There MUST be coming some physics game in the next few days. Hang on 🙂

Am i missing some physics games?

Posted on: October 15, 2009
8 comments so far (is that a lot?)

Hey players… it might have been that i’ve missed some of the physics games 🙂
If there are some physics games that are not on my page please let me know and i’ll add them to make the physics games collection complete!
Thank you and enjoy the site!

3 new physics games!

Posted on: September 30, 2009
1 comment so far

Hey hey physics-gamers 🙂

Today was a good day for us – 3 new classic physics games were released.
At last some great 100% physics games published what we’ve all been waiting for. I hope there is more coming soon…
Don’t forget to join us in Twitter and Facebook! Invite all your friends also!
Enjoy physics games and watch your head outside because it is still the apple falling season. Actually it is safer when you stay here and play the games 😛


Track the latest physics games

Posted on: September 4, 2009
1 comment so far

Hi! You’ve found the best physics games source in the net 🙂

I will add the latest physics games just after they are published.
It is a good idea to use our RSS feed to track the newest physics games released.
One more way to keep track of all the physics games is to follow us on Twitter.

Click here to follow physicsgames24 on Twitter

Once the new game is published it automatically leaves a tweet so you cannot miss any of those fun games.

Have fun!